Film Poster Analysis
The composition of the people in relation to their surroundings creates a sort of line up which is used in mugshots when at a police station, which suggests they could be involved in a gang or crime in the film.
The title "This Is England" is all written in grainy, bold capitals and in the colours of the union jack, which suggests strength and unity with the characters. This is emphasised by the tagline "Summer 1983. A time to stand out from the crowd," which although they seem to form a 'gang' sort of pose, they still each have their own identities and each "stand out from the crowd" - which is also shown by their 'alternative' choice of costume. For example, the character dressed in a white suit (different from the rest) could have a more dominant and leadership role in the gang as he stands out from the rest.
At the top of the poster, there are reviews from well known, high class newspapers and magazines which could attract viewers and draws in their target audience. It also shows awards the film has won, which again attracts the target audience to watch the film because a reliable source is telling them it is a 'good' film to go and watch.
The background of the poster, already suggests to the audience where the film is set - an urban location in England, shown by the tall block of flats behind the corrugated iron fence which the characters are standing in front.
Short Film Poster Idea
This is my first draft sketch of my poster idea. The female protagonist is shown central of the poster in a street, with people in shallow depth of field walking past (with timers above their heads). I thought a possible title for the film could be ZE:R0 which could be in a style similar to the timers which other characters have surrounding her.
This is the same idea, just scanned into Photoshop and I made the outline clearer and darker.
Are you still going with the idea of Ze:ro? I think that will work. When you've finished everything on Monday or Tuesday, you need to fill in the gaps in your poster work, and try to add more on the editing process. You've worked hard on editing, so make sure you've explained some of your choices and decisions on the blog.