Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Mise en scene

List of Props needed:
Fake blood and make-up
Photograph and/or note

Characters costumes:
Main Character - Jacket with hood, jeans, plain shirt
Main Bully - Dark clothing, baggy trousers (poss. tracksuit), distinct feature (eg. tattoo or something similar), headphones
Extra characters - normal clothing eg. shirt, trousers, coats

We intend to use a natural lighting style throughout so will use portable lights along with reflectors effectively to achive this as given the time of year in which we shall be filming it is most likely that it will be fairly dark

Music and Sound:
Garageband tracks we like and think could be appropirate and used in our film -
Acoustic guitar rock picking 15 + 19/20
Acoustic pick 3, 6, 7
Modern rock clean guitar 8
Rock electric guitar 1
Strummed acoustic guitar


  1. OK - for lighting you'll need to work hard to get this daylight continuity. Make sure everything is recorded to keep this consistent.

  2. These posts should be more varied though - why not use illustrations or diagrams - or images to show the light you're after? Images are needed for costumes to show them - annotate.
